
Sun cream: What you should look out for

Summer, sun, sunshine: As the temperatures get warmer, so does the sun; the likelihood of getting sunburned increases. To protect your skin from the rays, you should apply sunscreen as soon as possible. Nevertheless, sun creams can prevent sunburn, but they do not provide unlimited protection! APO24 gives you tips on what you should look out for.

The most important things in a nutshell: 

  • In spring, "winter skin" is still very UV-sensitive; sun protection is particularly important at this time.

  • The sun is at its highest at midday. It is therefore best to avoid the intense rays between 11 am and 3 pm.

  • Sun cream from last year should not be used. Read more about the shelf life and expiration date of sun creams here: Medication expired: What now?

  • When applying sun cream, it is important to apply it thickly and all over. How long the sun cream lasts depends on the sun protection factor.

  • Sun creams only protect against sunburn for a limited time, but not against skin cancer, as they still allow some of the UV radiation to pass through.

The sun protection factor is crucial

The sun protection factor, or SPF for short, is the most important value when buying sunscreen. It indicates how long you can stay in the sun after applying sunscreen without risking sunburn. If you use a sunscreen with SPF 30, you can stay in the sun thirty times longer. Nevertheless, the following applies: The calculated time is only a guideline and should not be used to the last second.

Apply sunscreen correctly: How much and how often?

To apply sun cream correctly, it is important to cover the entire skin. Apply the cream carefully to all areas of exposed skin. Parts of the body such as the head, neck and feet should not be forgotten. As a rule, it is better not to skimp on sunscreen and apply a thick layer (approx. 2mg per square centimeter of skin). 

Use sunscreen every day, even if it is cloudy. The best thing to do is to incorporate sunscreen into your daily skincare routine. It is just as important to reapply regularly to ensure the best possible protection. Try to apply sunscreen every two hours - especially on bathing days or after sweating a lot.  

Choose the right sun protection

In addition to sun cream, skin-covering clothing, sun hats and sunglasses offer good protection from the sun's rays in strong sunlight. Although dark clothing heats up quickly, white clothing allows more UV radiation to reach the skin. In the textile sector, there are also some products with special UV protection, which is mainly achieved with the type of fiber and a dense weave.  

If the question arises whether you prefer to be in the shade or directly in the sun, cooler, shady spots naturally provide more relaxation. However, there is also a risk of sunburn in the shade, as the UV rays do not stop here either. If there is no shade available, parasols with UV protection can help. When buying a parasol, pay attention to the UPF (Ultraviolet Protection Factor).  

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